Raising the bar

 Ferrero Rocher bars

First things first. I’m happy (actually euphoric) to share with my readers that I’m now a blogger for Vogue, India. Last week, I got an invitation from their team to join the website’s blogger programmee.  In true Vogue style, the girls sent me a few badges to choose from (in case something didn’t co-ordinate with my website’s background).  I picked the one in brilliant yellow and just like that, I am now a blogger for Vogue.

Because all good things are incomplete without chocolate, I made something to for us to celebrate with.

Ferrero Rocher is something that I’ve been obsessed with ever since I school. When visiting cousins got me a box of this spherical chocolate from abroad, I made frequent trips to the refrigerator under the guise of drinking cold water. And within a day or two, a box of sixteen would magically disappear.

Now, Rochers are easily available in my city, but I still feel that joy when I throw open the golden, crinkled wrapper. The whoosh of hazelnut cream is almost addictive and I always secretly wished that it came with a little more.

Today, I set my own Rochers in bar form and to fulfil that little wish (on a good day like this), I  slathered them generously with smooth hazelnut cream. 


12 thin wafer sheets

150 gm hazelnuts (finely chopped)

1 cup dark chocolate (melted)

1 cup hazelnut cream


Roast hazelnuts in a pan until slightly brown and crunchy. Marinate the nuts in melted chocolate for two days.

To make the bars, apply hazelnut cream on one wafer sheet with a butter knife and sandwich it with another sheet. Coat this biscuit, with the nut and chocolate mixture and set it in the refrigerator for 20 minutes.

Remove the bars and coat them once again with the chocolate-nut marination. Let the bars rest in the refrigerator for 1 hour and serve.


71 thoughts on “Raising the bar

  1. Lovely treat! They first looked like *Feast* ice cream bar to me! 🙂 Very nice pic

    this maybe a silly question. How can you marinate the nuts in melted chocolate?! doesn’t chocolate harden as it gets cold? Do you keep re-heating it?

    Looking forward to your mince pies!

    • Firstly, congratulations on your new oven! And yes, they do look like Feast icecream, but they taste much better 😛

      And no, your question is not silly, I should have been more specific. Chocolate does get hard in the refrigerator but that doesn’t matter. Just tip in all the roasted nuts in hot liquid chocolate and let it cool down. A few hours later you can keep this in your refrigerator. Before using, just melt in once more and you are done. Too complex, I know. But totally worth it, I promise!

  2. Congratulations on blogging for Vogue! These look amazing – will have to make them ASAP! I replied to your comment on my blog, but I want to say again – I LOVE the name of your blog. Adorable.

  3. these look fantastic! i’ve been trying to think of something to make for work for the holidays and i’m going to make these… tonight! thanks os much! i’ll tell you how they turn out for me! 🙂

  4. Thanks for stopping by my blog! I have a weak spot for Ferrero Rocher so I’ll definitely be making these in the future. By the way – if you’re looking for more of that wonderful Ferrero filling, buy some Nutella. It’s the same filling in a big jar! 🙂

  5. These look so delicious. I can’t wait to try them – maybe I’ll try the cashew substitution too, since cashews are my favorite.

    I’m looking forward to being blogger friends; it seems are tastes are aligned!

  6. Hi! I was just thinking that I hadn’t heard from you in a while. Congrats on Vogue. The bright yellow is a nice color for your blog – good choice. Thanks for the chocolate recipe. Yum! Happy holidays! 🙂

  7. Congrats on the Vogue position :). I know you will do amazing. Now onto the chocolate.. yes I am a Rocher fan.. actually HUGE fan lol 9I have two here in front of me now). So when I saw these bars.. I was sent into heaven. Have to make these. Thanks for this recipe

  8. I love Ferrero Rocher and Nutella! It’s the hazelnut taste that goes so well with chocolate! I am definitely going to try this soon! Never see hazelnut cream before, though. I assume it’s not too hard to find?

  9. Only you could’ve thought of making your own Ferrero Rocher bars! They look so AMAZING! I sometimes wish I were a part of a Roald Dahl book. I’d just put my hand through my screen and grab the chocolate off it. Instead, I’ll have to travel all the way to south Mumbai.

  10. Omg this looks really good! I love Ferrero Rocher and when it’s Chinese New Year my parents will buy boxes of these to give out to relatives.
    Btw,I went back to Hong Kong last December and they had a huge Christmas tree made of Ferrero Rocher! Thought you would be really happy if you saw that in person 😀

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